Saturday, March 20, 2010

Portable Tv With Akaline Battery



With impressive ceremony took effect on July 15 in Reims the inauguration of the statue, exquisite work of M. Fremyet, that the French nation has erected in honor of the immortal maiden Domreny, pure symbol of love of country, and nobody can claim that it has complied with it an inescapable duty.
made Hundred Years War lasted from France to England, and during that long period of time had seen the kingdom of San Luis the most terrible defeats the Lock, Crecy, Poitiers, Agincourt. Their kings prisoners fell, his noble prisoner had died or was lying too. In 1429 the British owners of northern France, just hoped to take to invade the South Orleans. The city was about to fall, exhausted by hunger, and Charles VII had no troops to aid the square.
then presented to the King of France Jeanne Darc, naively believed by that inspired the sky. Charles VII is fortunate to believe, Joan Darc takes charge of the troops, gives value, save restutuye Orleans to Charles VII and his throne, and France for their independence. The heroine believes it has completed its mission and wants to retire, but Charles VII want to stay even longer at his side. Fatal whim! Juana falls prisoner of the British in the siege of Complegne. The joy of the enemy is vast: the British believe that killing John Darc "disciple and follower of the devil" will be his victory. The unfortunate juven is given to an ecclesiastical tribunal, composed of the Bishop of Beauvais, John Magistri, vicar of the Inquisitor of France, and bad Cauchon. Poor fly poisonous spider power! Wretches rushed all the resources most infamous for Darc Joan appeared labeled as heresy. They could not get it. Also failed to prove that it was a witch, Saltóse above all, it was necessary that Juana was sentenced to the stake, and it was. His death was as remarkable as his life. Being in the middle of flames kept pronouncing the name of Jesus continually imploring and invoking the aid of the saints of Heaven, and to give God his spirit still gave the name of Jesus.
His ashes were thrown into the Seine.
Carlos VII between trap for fools, debauched and selfish, he gave a single step to save the redemptive power of France of its oppressors.

JOAN OF ARC is an emblematic figure and its image continues to talk about.

Joan of Arc, 550 years after the battle of Orleans

Large Paris exhibition commemorates the figure of the heroine

28/08/1979 El Pais

Five hundred and fifty years after the battle of Orleans, in which Joan of Arc battled with luck against British domination, the French have remembered to heroin. A major exhibition on the various artistic performances that have made the most famous war in history was recently opened in Paris by President of the Republic, Giscard d'Estaing. When the show opened, it also played 34 years of the Allied victory over Hitler had troops in France. Giscard said that style Gaullist grand occasions: "Do not seek anything in common between the two dates. There is only one link between them: France ... "The spirit of Joan of Arc, the French say, is undoubtedly another link. Write Feliciano Fidalgo.
Lady Jane, Jane Maiden, Joan of France, Heroin Juana, Santa Juana, Juana de Arco, Juana has simply gone back to life. There are radical feminists who have reached out, "although being a virgin and martyr at nineteen still represents a precedent metaphorically assimilated" quipped one of the commentators Images of Joan of Arc exposure until the end of September in Paris at the Hotel des Monnaies on the Seine, next to the French Academy, once again revive the national hero gala to mark the 550th anniversary of release Orleans.Un reminder at the outset to focus these 'images', which, ultimately, are a comic panoramic exploitation that can make the image of a character holy and misleading.
Born in Domremy (Lorena), humble, Joan the Maiden, was thirteen, he heard voices supernatural, which, it seems, were those of St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret. "You have to liberate France from English domination," he ordered. It was the era of the Hundred Years War. But until 1429 did not make his achievement, releasing Orleans, forcing the coronation of Charles VII in Reims and besieging Paris, until a heretic and a witch was condemned to the stake by an ecclesiastical tribunal, chaired by Bishop Pierre Cauchon. Renovated in 1450, beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920, Joan the Maiden is one of the images more "pure" of French history and, therefore, bottomless pot in which they drank and drank all the thirsty creators of paint of books, publishers and even giscardianos that in the recent European elections, the used in Rouen (city that was burned alive at age nineteen) to attract voters.
This footprint, varied and rich, Joan of Arc has made over five centuries post mortem, is the plot of the 347 stunning images from an exhibition, but only could be partial (to date are surveyed over five hundred statues of the virgin). The first image of this long journey iconography, the only one made during the life of the heroine, is a facsimile of the register of Parliament: the clerk of tumors, while scoring the news that shouting in the street, announcing the release Orleans, drew the saint in profile, with the standard in hand, dressed as a woman with long hair, image and announced the potential that was carrying the girl, as a muse, because by then your façade of man (armor, pants, short hair) made her a ; image modeled on what was to be the belligerent demands of feminism to the present time.
And then Joan of Arc has become the supermarket of everyone and everything during the centuries that have followed, from their first monument on the bridge of Orleans, heroin cheese round boxes Norman Cammenbert, in the manuscripts of all ages in the art of the French Restoration. In 1900, religious images in the medals, tags that advertise the "mustard Orleans", or "pure wine vinegar," or Joan the warrior, with helmet, armor and sword, asking "Ask everywhere chicory la belle jardiniere " or" cream Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans. "
Juana in theater, reinvented by Jean Anouilh or represented by Sarah Bernhardt. In the eighteen films that have walked the world with the face of Ingrid Bergman or Michèle Morgan, made by Victor Fleming, and Preminger, or Bresson or Carl Dreyer. And Joan of Arc, when the patriotism of all time, has lent his image to inflame everyone. In 1902 he was appropriate by the League of Women of France, to make them sing to their peers, yet feminists do not "worthy brother of the girl, standing to war with her, untamed heart, the soul full of hope, to save freedom. "

Cartel and an image of the beatification of Joan of Arc in 1909 Rome

Remembrance of the Beatification

The image belongs
a manuscript, with an estimated price of between 1.18 and 1.36 million euros, is part of a collection of medieval miniatures that belonged to Eric Korner. And it documents the life of one of the most powerful European emperors the late Middle Ages, Sigismund of Luxembourg (1368-1437), king of Hungary, Germany, Bohemia, Lombardy and head of the Holy Roman Empire.
In one of the images of the manuscript is Joan of Arc telling a messenger who appears kneeling, to deliver a sealed letter to the Virgin, who "has done so many miracles" while another calls the same messenger carrying a letter to King Sigismund.
The manuscript was illustrated by Diebold Lauber, a prominent artist of the time whose works are rather limited.

Georges Méliès "Jeanne d'Arc" is a 1899 short silent film about Joan of Arc. It was originally painted by hand, frame by frame, to create the effect of color. Many of the colors had faded over time.

Sources: El Pais,, YouTube.

find the sword of Joan of Arc in a psychiatrist

Reims (France). 22/06/2006 - A psychiatrist has been sent to the council of the French town of Reims the sword of the statue of Joan of Arc, stolen, according to the doctor, for several their patients.

"The doctor told me I have the sword of Joan of Arc in my office," said Deputy Culture, Mario Rossi, who declared himself "happy" to have found the art work on Monday.

The deputy did not hide his "anger" after the disappearance of the piece on the night of 10 to 11 June when Reims celebrated its annual fiesta in honor a. .. Joan of Arc, whose statue is near the cathedral.

thieves would be "young", "three or four," said Rossi. The doctor has not revealed his identity in the name of medical confidentiality.

"The major media coverage that at issue stealing has allowed patients of this doctor be aware of the seriousness of his act," the council said in a statement.

"The experts will examine the state of the sword", says the council. Before reinstalling it in the right hand of Jane, the council wants to ensure the identity of the perpetrators of previous robberies. On June 10 the sword was stolen or damaged for the fourth time in four years. "We're tired. It has taken more than 20,000 euros in four years," Rossi said at the time.

The statue of Joan of Arc appears without a sword after the robbery, April 21, 2004, near the Cathedral in the French city of Reims.

Joan of Arc is beheaded in the city where burned alive
Chile »Region Metropolitana» Hill »News / Monday 21 April 2008 /

A wax figure of Joan of Arc was decapitated with a halberd in a museum in Rouen, the city the north of France where heroin was burnt medieval gala by the British in the year 1431, by an individual who then fled, said the museum management.
On Thursday, a man about 40 years started the hand with the halberd of the wax figure of a guard and then struck a Joan of Arc cut that severed head. Alerted by the alarm, the museum's director, Alain Préaux, came after the vandal, but he took it off a push and fled after stealing a CD with animations quarantine the museum.
Préaux said he filed a complaint for theft, damage and violence, and have warned other French museums dedicated to Joan of Arc, such as Orleans, Chinon and Donremy, they are vigilant. So that the public does not see the headless statue, the pastor who fought to expel the English from France has placed a head ... of young English woman, removed to another figure of the museum

wax representation of the death of Joan in Joan of Arc Museum in Rouen

ALSO His remains shrouded in mystery VEN

The supposed relics of Joan Arco are the remains of an Egyptian mummy

  • The study published by Nature magazine shows that the supposed remains of Joan of Arc were those of an Egyptian mummy.
  • The scientists used in their research the noses of two perfumers to dismiss the odor.
  • Joan of Arc, French national myth, died in the fire after fighting against the British

EFE. 04.04.2007 - 18.46 h

Alleged relics of Saint Joan Arc are not remnants of the French heroine burned at the stake in 1431, but a fake made from a Egyptian mummy , publishes the British magazine Nature .

A team of French scientists the command of Dr. Philippe Charlier in 2006 obtained permission from the French Church to investigate the remains of bones and clothing that allegedly belonged to the Maid of Orleans.
was an Egyptian mummy
The research also used the smell of perfume of French perfumery Guerlain, Jean Patou
After subjecting the complex analysis relics biological, radiological, toxicological, and carbon-14 for six months, examiners concluded that the alleged remains of the French heroine from an Egyptian mummy from the third and sixth centuries BC.

In Research also used the smell of perfume Sylvaine Delacourte and Jean Michel Duriez , the French perfumery Guerlain, Jean Patou, respectively, whose sensitive noses revealed that l I remains smelled burnt plaster and vanilla , suggesting that it was a natural decomposition, not a combustion process.

"You might find the scent vanilla in a mummy, but not in the remains of someone who died in the fire, "said Charlier, whose microscopic and chemical analysis also indicated that it was not bone char.

After a legal process handled by the English, Joan of Arc who fought to expel them from France, the warrior of nineteen was sentenced to die at the stake in Rouen, northern France.
The supposed remains were discovered in the nineteenth century
Although legend says the saint's remains were thrown into the Seine River for nothing is left to his followers could worship, another version targets that were recovered from the burnt timbers remains of his body and belongings have been preserved until now in the archdiocese of Tours.
relate Scientists find traces of mummy the use of herbal remedies in the Middle Ages
Under the description "Relics found at the stake of Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans", the alleged remains of heroin were discovered in 1867 in a jar in a pharmacy in Paris .

The vessel apparently contained a charred human rib, the remains appear to be burning wood, a piece of linen and the femur of a cat, tied to medieval practice of throwing black cats at the stake for women burnt for witchcraft.

Charlier, científico forense del hospital Raymond Poincaré de Garches, se mostró "atónito" con los resultados del análisis de las reliquias y explicó que nunca se le habría ocurrido pensar que perteneciesen a una momia. 

El investigador atribuye la relación entre las supuestas reliquias de Juana de Arco y los restos funerarios de la época faraónica a que  en la Edad Media algunos used herbal remedies remains of Egyptian mummies .
A French national myth
Charlier, who in his study had to cope paucity of actual data about Joan of Arc by the many legends that weigh on ell a, argues that the rediscovery of the supposed remains in the nineteenth century coincided with the period that French historians erected in the national myth .
Joan of Arc fought against the British to expel them from France, after he appeared angels
Quemada the May 29, 1431, beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920 , Joan of Arc, born into a peasant family, came to lead several French military campaigns in the War Hundred Years after proclaiming that had appeared angels and saints to convey the divine command to expel the English from France .

Maiden Orleans was captured in 1430 the following year and tried for heresy and sorcery by an ecclesiastical tribunal which condemned to the stake.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Inspirational Quote About Hispanic Population

La Vanguardia- Domingo 31 de Octubre de 1954

POR parte de muchos de mis lectores recibo cartas interesándose para que me ocupe de los platillos volantes que, de algún tiempo a esta parte, llenan con grandes titulares las páginas de la,Prensa francesa y empiezan a invadir las de la española. Es éste, sin embargo, un tema al cual no me resulta grato referirme, sencillamente porque es uno de aquellos en que más se ha mezclado la fantasía. En 1952 me nombraron corresponsal en España de la «N. Y. Research Association for Meteors» de los Estados Unidos, entidad que tiene por objeto, además del estudio meteors, just the data on the appearance of flying saucers. Since then provided them with different information.
But I have failed by a very simple reason. Almost always it was they who asked me to me about flying saucers appearances took place in Spain, of which I had not heard or knew positively that there were no more than the imagination of some pranksters or people certainly in good faith but confused with other phenomena such appearances or other occurrences that had nothing to do with what is supposed to be flying saucers, spaceships from other worlds. These alleged apparitions in a tabloid published in a newspaper, had come to the United States.
I have not yet had the chance to see with my own eyes no flying saucer. Instead, I have seen several items that many took as such or as to their effects: balloons drifting in the atmosphere, static or moving slowly and then retreating, contrails formed by jets, which, due to its height, were invisible, being so, however, for long, wispy clouds composed of ice crystals at altitudes of 3 and 10,000 feet above sea level, spectacular fireball, with relative frequency go through our sky, being only observed by few people. But, of course, the fact that I have seen them means absolutely nothing. Many years ago a dear friend of mine, a medical doctor who spent the summer in a rural population of Catalonia, was asked, about two o'clock in the morning, to visit a sick woman. It was a matter of moving to a farmhouse deep in the countryside, far from it. The night was unusually quiet and the stars twinkled in the sky, as they usually shine in the field and at that hour before dawn.
My friend went on and admired, at the same time, the grand spectacle of the starry world, which is always awesome. Suddenly he saw advancing a thin disk luminosity at a considerable height. At that time, a dozen years ago, barely speaking of flying saucers. When I reported the fact, and assuming that it would be a fireball, I made the questions of rigor:
- crossed the space in a particular direction?
"The way the sky was it something quick?
-was moving slowly. Remained in the sky about two minutes.
- Did you follow a straight line?
-No. Advanced and then retreated.
was clear that this was not a meteor, because they, through space with apparently uniform speed, follow straight paths and their appearance in the sky is a matter of seconds, sometimes exploding at high altitude and resulting in a intense brightness red or green. But a meteor burst occurs sometimes a cloud of gases that, so in regions where low temperatures prevail, lead to something permanent cloud formation the wind round or disintegrates, or take one to the other side.
However, in the case of my friend doctor, worthy of confidence, it was clear that the phenomenon could not be confused with the passage of a meteor.
A little over a year, ie during the last days of June 1953, was seen in the sky, from Mallorca and from Ibiza, an object which newspapers rarely talked much at that time. Observed at first glance looked quite oval, but through binoculars as it was similar to an arrowhead.
seems that Ibiza fishermen discovered it at five in the afternoon of 17 June. Was visible on successive days
from two pm until shortly after sunset as a bright object located at a height that was estimated at about 45 kilometers. The observation was supported by another friend of mine, a young student of the Faculty of Science
University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich was then in the beautiful Balearic island.
The Press has published many other cases and, until recently, photographs of flying saucers or cigars. This means that something exists. And it deserves to be studied from a strictly objective point of view, as is being done from the United States. Lay statements or denials following subjective premature skepticism or credulity in which no has great value.
more than a century ago Arago, in his "Popular Astronomy," said
hiciesen "If I just this question: is lived in the sun? Answer I do not know. Now if I were asked if the Sun "may" be inhabited by beings organized in a manner similar to that inhabit our globe, would not hesitate to answer affirmatively.
This manifestation of Arago, which today seems a complete nonsense, could be done at that time still dominated the ideas of Herschel, whereby the solar balloon consisted of a dark core relatively cold and surrounded by an atmosphere in which floated a layer of highly reflective clouds that spread by
light space of the outer layer, or photosphere. Today we know that the core, instead of being cold, has a very high temperature of millions of degrees.
Arago's mistake was to lay a claim for which she was not ready yet the science of the time,
and shows how carefully we should proceed when it comes to things that are not familiar with proper accuracy.
In the case of flying saucers is therefore necessary to observe and studied. And while we wait for
front of our window and pass one of those rare artifacts and technicians to pursue with the supersonic aircraft, we reflect on two facts: the first is that the alleged flying saucer seen just as several nations are engaged with great zeal to build powerful weapons and completely new features and the results of attempting to maintain the strictest secrecy. And second, in the case of the visit of supposed inhabitants of Mars, or whatever. from a world that seems logical to develop more advanced than our earth, it is very unlikely that they had not been happened to come here many centuries ago and they did now, just as between us has developed a taste for space travel, with greater intensity after the Second World War due to progress in the art of rocket fire.
In fact, there are two circumstances that continue to be significant. Federico
ABC News

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Free Vidoes


(Exclusive of "La Vanguardia".) Friday June 15, 1928
AHahabad, 14 (cable) .- The Patna High Court has ruled in the process of a complaint lodged against ten persons which led to a Hindu widow to practice the old custom to immolate himself at the stake, the day of the funeral of her husband . They have rejected all appeals.
The accused have been sentenced to between one and ten years.
The fact was verified in a way pathetic.
Amid a crowd of thousands, the widow went to the pyre, embracing the corpse of her husband. Once ready, he told his family that set fire to the pyre. The flames quickly rose. British police came because under the law of the empire for years that this practice is prohibited and punished, but all the police efforts were in vain, against the opposition of that fanatical crowd. The victim resisted
long time between the flames and finally collapsed. Then it was submerged in the waters of the "sacred river", which is the Ganges, without releasing the body of her husband.
was taken from the waters, and thus prevent choking, but she would not resign, despite being horribly burned, to consummate the sacrifice, and did not want to remove the embers of the fire. There he continued and after three days, during which he was frequently visited, to believe it a heroine of the "sute", that is the voluntary sacrifice, died. Everyone tried to take pieces of their clothes and relics, as they are considered sacred objects.
Having seen a show banned, were also processed seventeen other personas.-Reuter.


SATI ( Su-Thi) is the traditional Hindu in which a widow is sacrificed for her husband's funeral pyre.
A woman who dies in the fire burning her husband's funeral is considered more virtuous, and is believed to go straight to heaven, will redeem all the ancestors who are rotting in hell for this "act of merit" . The woman who committed Sati is revered as a god, and temples built in his memory.
Sati prevalent among certain sects of society in ancient India, which considered a great honor to die on the funeral pyres of their husbands. Ibn Batuta (1333 AD) noted that Sati was considered praiseworthy by the Hindus, without it being mandatory. The Agni Purana declares that the woman who commits sahagamana goes to heaven. However, Medhatiti is said that Sati was like suicide and against the Shastras, the Hindu code of conduct.

Maha-sati (hero stones) were erected in memory of those brave women who committed sati and periodically they adored. There are not many cases of marriage of widows in the history of India and believed that women preferred death to the cursed life of a widow
Women who did Sati were immortalized in India. His praises were sung and temples were built for them. Offerings are made to many memories, even after several decades later.
Many say that the wife has committed Sati by the enormous love for her husband so they can be together after death, but are not historically grounded. They are a large number of satisfaction in the aftermath of the war, when women have to die to protect their honor from the invading enemies after his men were killed in the battlefield.
Indigenous leader Rajaram Mohan Roy, through his organization Brahmo Samaj was among the first who fought to remove Sati. The rite of sati was banned by the British Government in 1829. In modern times, there are reports of a Sati in Rajasthan (late 1980), and one in Madhya Pradesh (in 2002), which caused much controversy and unrest.

Palpitations Shoulder Blade


"La Vanguardia".) Friday June 15, 1928
"This afternoon it was announced at the Palace of Justice has just filed a claim for Solovieff Boria's widow, Mary Grigorievna Rasputin. It claims 25 million compensation for damages to Prince Felix Yusupoff and the Grand Duke Dimitri Paulovithc, who considered the murder of Gregory Rasputin, a revolver shot and killed on the night of December 30, 1916 in Petrograd at the home of Prince Yusupoff. Mrs. Soloviev
estimated that the guilt of the prince and grand duke is clear from the book recently published in France by Prince Yusupoff and where he explains at length the assassination of Havas Rasputin.-monk.
Mary Grigorievna Who was Rasputin?

Matrona Grigorievna Rasputina, was the daughter of Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin and his wife Praskovia Fyodorovna Dubrovina.Tras the Russian Revolution of 1917, wrote several reports on the life of his father and his associations with Tsar Nicholas II and Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna, and their murder.
was born on March 27, 1898 and died on September 27, 1977. She is buried in Angelus Rosedale Cemetery in Los Angeles (California).
Grigorievna Rasputina
Mary left with his father and an unknown lady in 1914.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Whenever I Go On Oovoo I Come Up As A Cat

An American scholar, George Poe, Edgar descendant of the famous writer, has devised an instrument for nothing less than to resurrect people.
The apparatus in question consists of two cylinders, one of which is empty, the other full of oxygen.
Both are equipped with a rubber tube that fits respectively to the nose and mouth of the presumed dead, and operator moves rhythmically, like a breath, two pistons positioned within the cylinders.
The cylinder piston vacuum removes harmful gases accumulated in the body, while the other sent to the lungs the oxygen it contains.
For this procedure have come to life in six minutes a rabbit killed by a heavy dose of morphine and ether, and a dog smothered with acetylene.
course is intended mainly to cases of suffocation, drowning and the like. The inventor has tested well with the drunks and it seems that with a few strokes of piston dissipates more drunkenness monumental.

La Vanguardia-Saturday June 6, 1908

to here the news Now a bit of history: Who was George Poe and as was his invention.

George Poe, Jr. (May 8, 1846 to February 3, 1914) was a pioneer of mechanical ventilation.

was the son of George Poe, Sr. (1808 -?) And Elizabeth Ross Ellicott (1810-1881). Around 1885 he married Margaret Amy Wallace (1854-1932) and had the following children: George III Poe, Mary Elizabeth Ellicott Poe (1874-1944) who married George Pender Hart (1862-1936), and Elizabeth Ellicott Poe (c1886 - c1948). was a cousin of Edgar Allan Poe.

mechanical ventilation

In medicine, mechanical ventilation is a mechanical method to assist or replace spontaneous breathing. You need a machine called a ventilator or breathing can be assisted by a doctor or other suitable person, with the help of a bag or a set of bellows.

is used primarily for victims of asphyxiation.

was also the first to make nitrous oxide.

nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as gas of happiness or laughing gas, is a chemical compound with the formula N 2 O. At room temperature, gas is a flammable, colorless, with a pleasant odor and a slightly sweet flavor. It is used in surgery and dentistry as an anesthetic and analgesic

Using the resources of the factory, Poe experimented with oxygen bottles and tubes and found that he could raise rats and rabbits that had been suffocated. In 1889, he undertook a national tour. He said his unit could revive human beings who had drowned or had been poisoned by gas lamps, and should be available in all hotels and guest houses to cope with gas poisoning.

Arturo Federico Ostrander, was an assistant scientist and inventor George Poe. Accompanied Poe, from mid 1907 to 1908 while still a child, showing how it worked on artificial breathing device.

In an article published in the New York Times, said: "The most interesting is not the device Prof. Poe, is the fact that only 10 years old boy, Arthur Ostrander, acting as the eyes and hands to the scientist, almost blind and semi-paralyzed in the construction of the device. "

In 1907 began a new tour, accompanied by Arthur Ostrander, and two doctors in Norfolk, Dr. Francis JP Morgan and Dr. Jackson .. Won in advertising in 1909, when a man named Moses Goodman was revived by the appliance. Once again, his health prevented him from doing much, and other inventors developed their own respirators.

http://www.absoluteastronomy. com / topics / George_Poe