be aware of the use of plaster from the Neolithic period (from 9,000 BC to 4,000 BC) for foundations and walls as well as pictorial support. In Anatolia find decorative frescoes on plaster base with 9000 years old.

Greek civilization called it gypsos (Gyps) (gypsum) (Latin gypsum) and the Roman widespread use in Europe. Subsequently, the English introduced it into Latin America.
plaster motifs made in the nineteenth century, the cast is gradually joining the civil architecture as rendering material and as decoration in palaces and homes. Today
Gypsum is a product at the forefront of technology and its use is widespread and fundamental material in construction.
gypsum originated 200 million years ago as a result of marine deposits as part of what are now our continents were vast expanses of ocean.
During this period, leaving some dried sea beds were coated plaster to be discovered later by the man
This sedimentary rock was formed by evaporating sea for many millions of years. The evaporation phase itself lasted thousands of years and led to the formation of thick layers of gypsum deposits.
Subsequently, these layers of plaster were buried by natural subsidence over a long period of time, preserving in the depths of the earth for millions of years.
During the last glacial period, deposits of gypsum were moving ever closer to the surface of the earth by the erosion of glaciers and deep river valleys cut left by the glacier water.
GYPSUM Gypsum is a mineral pure white (Gypsum), but due to impurities can turn gray, brown or pink. It is called calcium sulfate dihydrate and its crystal structure is formed by two water molecules and a calcium sulfate, chemical formula:
tabular crystals, peelable sheets, usually colorless. It has a hardness 2 on the Mohs scale. The color usually ranges from white to gray, however, may have different shades of yellow, red, brown, blue, gray, pink or yellow due to impurities is soft and plastic at high temperatures of calcination loses all water.
MOHS hardness scale
The Mohs scale is used to measure the hardness of a substance. It was proposed by Friedrich Mohs and is based on the principle that a hard substance can scratch a softer substance but can not be reversed.
Mohs, a geologist, he chose 10 minerals which he attributed to a certain degree in the scale starting with the talc was the number 1 and ending with the diamond that was assigned the number 10.
PROCESS Obtained directly from nature by extraction in the form of gypsum rock (mineral of calcium sulfate dihydrate) in quarries or mines and industrial processes with little alteration. This process involves the calcination thermal mineral grinding, removing all or part of the chemically combined water of crystallization. When mixed with water forms a paste that sets and hardens, reconstituting its original state.

resistance is presented in paper bags kraft double sheet containing approximately 25 kilograms.
In our kilos and sold in plastic bags

Building due to its excellent bioclimatic, isolation and degree of humidity control, mechanical and aesthetic used in trim, plaster, precast and architectural reliefs, providing comfort and convenience. Essential as a retarding agent in the production of cement. CERAMIC
for the development of molds, medical devices, chalk and artistic sculptures.
Agriculture to improve agricultural land as fertilizer and desalination. MEDICINE
used in orthopedics to develop bands of gypsum in the manufacture of surgical and dental molds and production toothpaste. CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL
as a source of calcium, a component of medicines and lipsticks.

Contains 80% hemihydrate, fine ground and is used for plastering walls, stuccoed and whitewashed.
white plaster is the highest quality, obtained from cast stone or arrow speculum, contains 90% of hemihydrate. It is used for casting, molding and decoration. GYPSUM
is obtained by immersing the stone cast for 6 hours in a solution of 12% alum at a temperature of 35 ° C, air-dried, calcined again to dark red and finely ground.
The cast is obtained from mineral calcium sulfate dihydrate which is found abundantly in nature. It is nontoxic, environmentally friendly and biodegradable waste.
for their excellent hygrometric the cast is the most effective and natural humidity controller in the interiors of buildings. Absorbs excess moisture and releases it when dry. INSULATION
The use of gypsum in the linings of the buildings may increase by 35% the ability to insulate buildings against misses. SOUND ABSORPTION
Because of its elasticity and finely porous structure, the cast offers excellent soundproofing. Echoes and reverberations decreases, improving the acoustics.
The cast is completely fireproof and fire resistant. When exposed to heat there is a gradual release of crystal water in vapor form to slow the rise in temperature by absorbing heat without toxic gases that are the leading cause of fatalities in most fires.
Gypsum, due to its excellent plasticity and molding, it has endless possibilities for decoration. It supports almost all the decorative elements: paper, tapestry, wood, paint, textured.
TITLE: Plaster Construction. Definitions.
SUMMARY: This rule provides definitions of terms related to the construction plaster
CODE: 339.054-1980 NTP
TITLE: Plaster Construction. Methods of physical tests.
SUMMARY: This rule establishes the physical test methods for gypsum used in construction.
DRYWALL (Drywall)
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