Tuesday, September 27, 2005

How Much Is Insurance For A Dj

¡¡¡¡¡..... First Research ...!!!! Second Research ¡¡¡¡¡......

First Research

1 .- Definition of plating or electroplating.

"The galvanosplastía is a process using electricity, a metal is placed over another. It does carry an electric current of the submerged foils (anode) to the object that has a lining through a metal salt solution (electrolysis). The metal ions are attracted by objects that are lined and
here shed their electrical charges and are deposited on their surfaces
. "

Electrolysis is an electrochemical process which produces the chemical breakdown of a substance by passing an electric current.

1. © Copyright 1996 - 2004, Multimedia Ecological Environment. Ecological Dictionary: http://www.ambiente-ecologico.com/ediciones/diccionarioEcologico/diccionarioEcologico.php3?letra=G&numero=01&rango=GAIA_-_GIPS% C3% 93FILO

2. This page was last modified at 00:14, 24 September, 2005. Electrolysis http://www.uc.cl/quimica/agua/glos2.htm

3. oxidation-reduction. Image available on the Web http://fresno.cnice.mecd.es/ ~ fgutie6/quimica2/ArchivosHTML/Teo_5_princ.htm

equation 2 .- Concepts chemical and chemical reaction. Elements.

chemical equation: is the formal representation of a chemical reaction in terms symbols of elements and formulas of the compounds involved in chemical processing.

Chemical reaction: process during which a substance (or substances) to make a change or more new substances.


Glossary. Chemical equation. Available in the Web. All rights reserved what www.uc.cl/quimica/agua/glos2.htm

5. QUIMIKA Copyright © 2004-2005. www.quimika.com / sections / diccionario.htm

3 .- The difference between these two concepts.


- esros The difference between two concepts is that the chemical reaction is the Prosesa of the union of the reactants, while the chemical equations is the symbolic representation of the expresinon.

"The chemical reactions are substances that change, to form new substances, while the chemical equation symbolically describes the components involved in the reaction.

"In the chemical reaction, bonds in the reactants are broken and new bonds forming stem products. The chemical reaction is represented by the chemical equation, which is equal training new links.


Unadjusted H2O H2 + O2 ===
Adjusted: 2 H2 + O2 2 H2O ===

6. CHEMICAL REACTIONS . Accessed on 26 September, available on the Web

7. The National Science Foundation Contact us / Report a Bug Copyright © 2003 - 2005, Vision Learning, Inc.
http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?mid=56&l = s & c3

This web page belongs to Librys.com. Available online

4 .- Criteria for classifying chemical reactions.




composition or synthesis

is that where two or more substances unite ra p to form a single product

2CaO (s) + H 2 O (l) Ca (OH ) 2 (c)

decomposition or analysis

O incurs when an atom replaces another in a molecule:

2HgO ( s ) 2HG (l) + O 2 (g)


E n it an acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water release.

H 2 SO 4 (c)

+ 2NaOH (c)

Na 2 SO 4 (c) + 2H 2 O (l)


An atom replaces another in a molecule

CuSO4 + Fe

FeSO4 + Cu

Exchange or double displacement

S and performed by exchange of atoms between related substances


K 2 S


MgSO 4

K 2 SO 4

No electron transfer

Only present a redistribution of the elements to form other substances. There is no exchange of electrons.

double displacement reactions

With electron transfer (redox)

There is change in the number of atoms in oxidation of some reagents for products.

synthesis reactions, decomposition, displacement
endothermic reaction is that you need to supply heat to be conducted.


2Na (s)


H 2 (g)

exothermic reaction is one that releases heat when it occurs. + H
2C (graphite)

2 (g)

C 2 H 2 (g)

DH = 54.85 kcal


5 .- Table to classify the different chemical reactions.

- According to the shape of the kinetic equation:

- Elemental (concentrations of the reactants with exponents equal to the stoichiometric coefficients).

- No elementary (concentrations of the reactants with exponents different from the stoichiometric coefficients).

- Depending on the number of phases:

w Homogeneous (single phase).

w Not homogeneous (more than one phase).

- depending on their complexity:

w Simple (single stoichiometric equation, A + B ------> R).

w Multiple (or complex, not just a single stoichiometric equation). Can be in:

- Series (A ------> ------> R S).

- Parallel (A ------> R; The ------> S).

- Series-Parallel (A + B ------> R, R & B ------> S).

- Regarding the balance:

- Irreversible (full conversion).

- Reversible (equilibrium is reached before it reaches 100% conversion).

9. Classification of reactions available on the Web: http://www.sc.ehu.es/iawfemaf/archivos/materia/00132.htm

carbon synthesis of ammonia ore roasting
not catalyzed Catalyzed
Homogeneous Most of the gas-phase reactions Most liquid-phase reactions
Heterogeneous Combustion
Oxidation of ammonia to nitric acid to
solid attack by acids Cracking oil
gas-liquid absorption with reaction Oxidation of SO 2 to SO 3

According to its temperature

10. Classification of reactions available on the Web: http://www.sc.ehu.es/iawfemaf/archivos/materia/00132.htm

11. Http://www.huascaran.edu.pe/estudiantes/acurriculares/cta-reacciones-quimicas.htm

6 .- Write 5 examples of each class of chemical reactions with their respective equations and names.

endothermic reactions to occur for these reactions have to provide energy. For example, to separate the components of water is necessary power input: A reaction which absorbs energy.

exothermic reactions are those in which it is released or energy is released, usually in the form of heat (energy)

If you put nails in a glass with muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid), touching the glass will feel a bit hot due to the exothermic reaction that occurs .

For your studies, you know that chemical reactions can be represented by equations. The reaction between the iron nails and hydrochloric acid is represented as follows:


for equilibrium reactions:

When the reaction reaches chemical equilibrium then the speed of the two reactions is the same:

The equilibrium constant is defined as the reaction rate constant of production between the reversal rate constant:

reactions can occur in a single step (elementary reactions):





chemical equation in the relative numbers of molecules of reactants and products are indicated by the coefficients of the formulas that represent these molecules .

HCl +


NaOH → NaCl



H 2 O

characteristics of the equation:

1. Indicates the physical state of the reactants and products ( (l) liquid (s) solid (g) gaseous (c) aqueous (solution))

2. Indicate the catalysts substances that speed up or slow down the reaction and are not consumed are above or below the arrow that separates reactants and products.


6CO 2 + 6H 2 O

l solar uz

C 6 H O 12 6 + 6O 2

3. Indicate the release or absorption of energy

4. The equation should be balanced, ie the number of atoms that enter must be the same as those emerging


2H (g)


O 2 (g)

2H 2 O (l)


136 kcal

5. If a delta on the arrow indicates

work heat is supplied to the reaction EXAMPLE:

KClO 3



O 2


http://web.educastur.princast.es/proyectos/biogeo_ov/2ESO/05_quimica / index.htm




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