1 .- What are the in er energies and underlying
renewable energy sources rely on natural flows and cycles of the planet. Are those that are regenerated and are so abundant that will last for hundreds or thousands of years, the use or not, also used with responsibility not destroy the environment. Electricity, heating and cooling generated by renewable energy sources, include the use of natural resources such as sun, wind, agricultural residues or organic. Increase the participation of renewable energies, says sustainable electricity generation in the long run, reducing CO2 emissions. Renewable energies are
-> Wind Energy
-> Solar Energy
solar energy our planet receives is a result of nuclear fusion process that takes place inside the sun. This radiation Sun can be directly converted into electricity (solar electric) or heat (solar thermal). The heat, in turn, can be used to produce steam and generate electricity.
* Solar Electric
The sun's energy is converted into electricity using photovoltaic cells, exploiting the properties of semiconductor materials. The base material for the manufacture of most photovoltaic cells is silicon. The conversion efficiency of these systems is about 15%. Still, one square meter can provide enough power to operate a TV mediano.Para able to provide electricity at night, solar cells require batteries that collects the electricity generated during the day. Currently being developed photovoltaic systems connected directly to the grid, avoiding the use of batteries, so the energy generated is used immediately.
The sun's energy is converted into electricity using photovoltaic cells, exploiting the properties of semiconductor materials. The base material for the manufacture of most photovoltaic cells is silicon. The conversion efficiency of these systems is about 15%. Still, one square meter can provide enough power to operate a TV mediano.Para able to provide electricity at night, solar cells require batteries that collects the electricity generated during the day. Currently being developed photovoltaic systems connected directly to the grid, avoiding the use of batteries, so the energy generated is used immediately.
* Solar thermal
Solar thermal systems can be classified into levels or concentration or focus. Flat solar systems are devices that heat up when exposed to solar radiation and transfer heat to a fluid (water, for example). With the flat solar collector fluid can be heated to temperatures up to 200 º C but, in general, is used to heat to 75 ° C. The concentration solar systems are those that work by focusing sunlight on a specific area, a point or along a line. In some solar thermal power plants using concentrated solar radiation for this mirror, and using different technologies provide heat to medium or high temperature (in special cases, even thousands of degrees). This heat is used to generate electricity, just as in a power plant. The solar heat collected during the day can be stored, so that at night or on cloudy days can also be generating electricity. This set of procedures or devices requires monitoring mechanisms, as the line of incidence of the sun varies during the day and during the year.
Solar thermal systems can be classified into levels or concentration or focus. Flat solar systems are devices that heat up when exposed to solar radiation and transfer heat to a fluid (water, for example). With the flat solar collector fluid can be heated to temperatures up to 200 º C but, in general, is used to heat to 75 ° C. The concentration solar systems are those that work by focusing sunlight on a specific area, a point or along a line. In some solar thermal power plants using concentrated solar radiation for this mirror, and using different technologies provide heat to medium or high temperature (in special cases, even thousands of degrees). This heat is used to generate electricity, just as in a power plant. The solar heat collected during the day can be stored, so that at night or on cloudy days can also be generating electricity. This set of procedures or devices requires monitoring mechanisms, as the line of incidence of the sun varies during the day and during the year.
-> Geothermal
-> Biomass
-> Hydrogen
In hydrogen cells break a water molecule (H2O) for hydrogen which produces electricity. The only by-product is oxygen and water vapor. These cells are used in homes and businesses in some developed countries, including car manufacturers already have vehicles that run on this system.
In hydrogen cells break a water molecule (H2O) for hydrogen which produces electricity. The only by-product is oxygen and water vapor. These cells are used in homes and businesses in some developed countries, including car manufacturers already have vehicles that run on this system.
Hydropower is based on taking advantage of falling water from a height. The potential energy during the fall, it becomes kinetic. The water passes through the turbines at high speed, causing a rotational movement that eventually transformed into electrical energy using generators.
is a natural resource available in areas with sufficient water and, once used, is returned downstream.
is a natural resource available in areas with sufficient water and, once used, is returned downstream.
-> Tidal energy
By coupling to a generator the system can be used for electricity generation , transforming wave energy into electricity , a form more useful and usable energy.
2. Global analysis of its uses. Find a news item referring to the implementation of renewable energy in any country.
The U.S. group utility Pacific Gas & Electric (PG & E) plans to buy 200 MW of electricity from space.
This plan is to sign a contract with Solar Corp, a company that wants to take the putting solar panels solar power in space orbit Earth. The energy produced by photovoltaic space would be converted into radio frequency pulses arrive at a receiving station based in Fresno, where the energy would be transformed into electricity and then pour it to the network.
The new plan would be carried out in 2016, and when PG & E is seeking state approval to reach a power purchase arrangement space of 15 years
Solaren chief executive, Gary Spirnak, argues that this project is the first real application in a of obtaining energy that has been talking for some time.
Although space solar power system is not yet built, Solaren makers say the technology is already mature enough to carry out the project and that this would be ready for 2016.
3. National-level analysis. Find a news item that refers to the introduction of renewable energies in Spain.
According to data from the Power Grid of Spain, during the months of January and February of this year have failed to produce renewable energy to 30% of the energy consumed in the country.
This phenomenon is due to several factors, firstly decreased energy demand over the same period last year and on the other side were favorable climatic conditions. For example, the increased rainfall caused the water power will increase by 126.47% from early last year. Also the presence of strong winds helped the production of wind energy.
Wind Energy Association points out that in 2008 the energy generated by windmills avoided avoided the emission of 20 million tons of carbon dioxide and generated 40,000 jobs
Duvisón Miguel, chief of operation of the Network Power said that in the first two months of the year the conditions for renewables have been than favorable, adding that "Although down somewhat over the coming months, the renewable not walk away from the current levels and the full year will be closer to 30% 20%".
is also expected that solar energy reaches the 5% of energy production in the days of sun, explained Heikki Bureau, responsible for climate change WWF Spain.
But good weather conditions do not mean solving all the problems still faced by renewables, of which the most important remains the issue of storage. For example, during a heavy storm in the month of November the Red Electric had to disconnect the 37% windmills because he could not absorb all the electricity they produced.
respect of the excess energy Duvisón argues that more connections with France, both for export and import of renewable energy, and now the exchange capacity is 3% poor. Reversible dams are also required to pump water uphill when on production. As for storage
the medium term, the English government wants a million electric cars by night store of renewable electricity.
Source: Elpais.com (March 2009)
4. Regional-level analysis (Castilla La Mancha). Find a news item referring to the implementation of renewable energy in Castilla la Mancha.
has been presented in Castilla La Mancha, a new order of support for energy efficiency. Through this order, the government will spend nearly three million euros for the promotion of production and consumption of clean energy.
Order was presented by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Environment, Paula Fernandez, and assume a budget of 2.9 million euros in aid for clean energy installations and renewable performing individuals, municipalities and small and medium enterprises to self . According to Fernandez
financial aid will be favored with the following type of technologies: solar thermal low-temperature thermal biomass for domestic and / or in public buildings, energy use and use of biogas fuel from biodegradable waste.
In addition, there will be subsidies for development of geothermal energy for domestic, industrial and services, and installing the necessary infrastructure to promote solar PV isolation and wind-photovoltaic energy mix. Lastly
also will support the installation of new supply points of biofuels for transport.
Fernandez said that in the last decade, government aid has facilitated the deployment of 3,400 plants to generate clean energy consumption. He highlighted the position that the community leader in the development of renewable energy and the importance of developing these technologies green to achieve a competitive and sustainable economic model.
Order was presented by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Environment, Paula Fernandez, and assume a budget of 2.9 million euros in aid for clean energy installations and renewable performing individuals, municipalities and small and medium enterprises to self . According to Fernandez
financial aid will be favored with the following type of technologies: solar thermal low-temperature thermal biomass for domestic and / or in public buildings, energy use and use of biogas fuel from biodegradable waste.
In addition, there will be subsidies for development of geothermal energy for domestic, industrial and services, and installing the necessary infrastructure to promote solar PV isolation and wind-photovoltaic energy mix. Lastly
also will support the installation of new supply points of biofuels for transport.
Fernandez said that in the last decade, government aid has facilitated the deployment of 3,400 plants to generate clean energy consumption. He highlighted the position that the community leader in the development of renewable energy and the importance of developing these technologies green to achieve a competitive and sustainable economic model.
Source Soitu.es and ABC (March 2009)